Alpha science classroom:Children’s Electrostatic butterfly science experiment

2 min readMay 7, 2022

In winter, static electricity is a common phenomenon in our lives. Do the children know what kind of scientific mystery is contained in static electricity?

Today, Alpha Science Classroom uses a simple kids’ static electricity experiments with static electricity to inspire kids to think about all kinds of interesting things about electricity.Charge a balloon with this fun static butterfly science experiment that magically causes butterflies’ wings to go up and down.

Alpha science classroom Children’s Electrostatic butterfly science experiment need Supplies :

  • cardboard
  • tissue paper
  • cardstock paper
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • googly eyes
  • balloon
  • glue stick

Alpha science classroom Steps of children’s Electrostatic butterfly science experiment:

1.First the children cut a piece of cardboard. The cardboard is about 7 inches x 7 inches long.

2. The children draw butterfly wings on tissue paper with pencils. Because the cardboard squares are 7" x 7", the kids just make sure to shrink them to be smaller than the square. Cut them out and place them on the cardboard. Do not stick them on the cardboard!

3. The children cut out a butterfly body from the card paper, then glue it in the middle of the butterfly, and then stack it on the cardboard. Again, don’t stick the wings of the tissue paper. Children will want the wings to loosen.

4. Now is the interesting part. blow a balloon. We used the remaining water balloons from this summer, so their size is small, but it is better to use regular-sized balloons.

5. Wipe hair with a balloon to charge. Now, keep the balloon on top of the butterfly, close it but don’t touch it, and as you move the balloon closer and closer, observe the rise and fall of the wings.

Little knowledge of alpha science classroom: Why do butterfly wings move?

When we rub the balloon onto our hair, electrons are lost from our hair and are absorbed by the balloon and carry static electricity. When the negatively charged balloon approaches the positively charged tissue paper, they will attract each other, and the attraction is so great that the lightweight tissue paper moves toward the balloon.

Today, the children’s static electricity experiment activity of Alpha Science Classroom is over. Is the static electricity butterfly very interesting for the children? Have you understood the scientific knowledge in it?

If you want to learn more about physical science experiments, kids can go to Alpha Science Toys to find the age-appropriate science toys set, explore more interesting science experiments, and become the coolest science wizards.

